Human & Organizational Performance and ISM

What is Human & Organizational Performance, and how can it help me implement Daily ISM?

The Lab's ISM processes serve as an essential framework for planning safe work. However, by themselves, they do not always provide the necessary depth to consistently anticipate, prevent, and recover from errors that lead to injury. This is why a majority of DOE research Labs integrate Human & Organizational Performance (HOP) tools into their ISM processes.   

"Human & Organizational Performance, or HOP, is a strategic approach for improving performance by reducing human error and managing controls in order to prevent unwanted outcomes - and to mitigate their impact should they occur."

Key Concepts of HOP  

HOP is about Detection, Prevention, and Correction


Identify issues in a timely manner through monitoring and observation - detecting trends early on helps prevent larger-scale issues. 


Anticipate incidents before they happen. Time and energy spent in preventing issues reduces the effort of correction - and, more importantly - the potential for a safety incident is decreased. 


Investigate problems thoroughly in order to prevent recurrence. Conditions are fully evaluated and appropriate corrective actions are taken in a timely manner. 

Human Performance Tools for Every Step of Work

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